Sidecar Shortcuts
A technical guide to building workflows with Apple's Shortcuts app
Sidecar makes it possible to build workflows that react to, and in some cases change, the state of your vehicle. If you’re new to Shortcuts, Apple’s introductory article for iPhone and iPad is a good place to learn the basics.
Every action provided by Sidecar requires a Vehicle. This custom type represents one of the vehicles in your garage.

Tip: it’s common to need to refer to the same Vehicle several times in a workflow. The Get Vehicle action lets you do this once and then reuse the same vehicle variable throughout your workflow.
Sidecar’s actions come in two flavors: Commands and Parameters. Commands require a Connected Account (Beta) and tell your vehicle to perform some kind of action. Parameters allow you to read information from your vehicle. Parameters are typically read by Sidecar from a Connected Account (Beta) or from an OBD-II scanner.
Climate Control
Vehicle Control
Turn Climatization Off — Command
Requires a Connected Account (Beta). Requires vehicle support for auto-climatization.
Supported accounts
Porsche, Tesla, Toyota.
Running this command will disable climatization if it is currently active.
Vehicle The vehicle this command should be performed on.
Turn Climatization On — Command
Requires a Connected Account (Beta). Requires vehicle support for auto-climatization.
Supported accounts
Porsche, Tesla, Toyota.
Running this command will enable climatization if it is not currently active.
Vehicle The vehicle this command should be performed on.
Send Destination — Command
Requires a Connected Account (Beta). Requires vehicle support for sending remote destinations.
Supported accounts
Running this command will send the given destination to your vehicle’s primary navigation system. You’ll then be able to initiate navigation to the destination from your vehicle’s console.
Vehicle The vehicle this command should be performed on.
Destination An address that is already saved on the given vehicle.
Lock — Command
Requires a Connected Account (Beta). Requires vehicle support for remote locking.
Supported accounts
Porsche, Tesla, Toyota.
Running this command will lock your vehicle if it is not currently locked. This may cause the vehicle to make an audible chirp once complete.
Vehicle The vehicle this command should be performed on.
Get Vehicle — Parameter
Works with all vehicles.

Running this action will return a Vehicle instance that can be used as a variable in subsequent actions.
Vehicle The vehicle to return.
Get Vehicle Bool — Parameter
Some parameters require a Connected Account (Beta) or OBD-II scanner. Parameter support varies by vehicle.

Running this action will return the value of true or false for a given vehicle’s parameter.
Vehicle The vehicle from which the parameter should be retrieved.
Bool The boolean parameter to be retrieved from the vehicle.
Available Boolean Parameters
Charging Is the vehicle currently charging?
Plugged in Is the vehicle currently charging?
Climate Control
Climatization on Is climatization currently running in the vehicle?
Climatization possible Is the vehicle able to turn climatization on?
Front trunk locked Is the vehicle’s rear trunk locked?
Locked Is the vehicle locked?
Rear trunk locked Is the vehicle’s rear trunk locked?
Front left door open Is the vehicle’s front left door open?
Front right door open Is the vehicle’s front right door open?
Front trunk open Is the vehicle’s front trunk open?
Rear left door open Is the vehicle’s rear left door open?
Rear right door open Is the vehicle’s rear right door open?
Rear trunk open Is the vehicle’s rear trunk open?
Sunroof open Is the vehicle’s sun roof open?
Front left window open Is the vehicle’s front left window open?
Front right window open Is the vehicle’s front right window open?
Rear left window open Is the vehicle’s rear left window open?
Rear right window open Is the vehicle’s rear right window open?
Parking brake enabled Is the vehicle’s parking brake enabled?
In service Is the vehicle currently in service?
Sleeping Is the vehicle currently sleeping or in a low power state?
Get Vehicle Date — Parameter
Some parameters require a Connected Account (Beta) or OBD-II scanner. Parameter support varies by vehicle.

Running this action will return a date value for a given vehicle’s parameter.
Vehicle The vehicle from which the parameter should be retrieved.
Date The date parameter to be retrieved from the vehicle.
Available Date Parameters
Climate Control
Climatization end If climatization is active, when will it end?
Park When was the vehicle last parked?
Get Vehicle Measure — Parameter
Some parameters require a Connected Account (Beta) or OBD-II scanner. Parameter support varies by vehicle.

Running this action will return a measured value for a given vehicle’s parameter in the specified units.
Measures must be converted to the same unit type. For example, Vehicle speed can only be converted to units of type Speed.
Vehicle The vehicle from which the parameter should be retrieved.
Measure The measured parameter to be retrieved from the vehicle.
Available Measure Parameters
Charging rate, as distance | Length How much range is being added per minute.
Charging rate, as power | Power How much energy is being added per minute.
Charging target | Normal The target charge percent.
Battery health | Normal The health of the vehicle’s high voltage battery pack.
Vehicle heading | Angle The direction the vehicle is facing.
Vehicle speed | Speed How fast the vehicle is moving.
Battery level | Normal How full the vehicle’s battery is.
Battery range | Length The distance the vehicle can travel using electric power alone.
Fuel level | Normal How full the vehicle’s gas tank is.
Fuel range | Length The distance the vehicle can travel using fuel alone.
Tire Pressure
Front left tire pressure | Pressure The front left tire pressure.
Front right tire pressure | Pressure The front right tire pressure.
Rear left tire pressure | Pressure The rear left tire pressure.
Rear right tire pressure | Pressure The rear right tire pressure.
Spare tire pressure | Pressure The spare tire pressure.
Odometer | Length The total distance the vehicle has traveled.
Get Vehicle Position — Parameter
Some parameters require a Connected Account (Beta) or OBD-II scanner. Parameter support varies by vehicle.

Running this action will return a position value for a given vehicle’s parameter.
Vehicle The vehicle from which the parameter should be retrieved.
Position The position parameter to be retrieved from the vehicle.
Available Position Parameters
Location The last known location of the vehicle.